Austin started music lessons at Music Royale at the age of 6, taking multiple lessons from various teachers until he joined Jesse’s studio. Now, even moving all the way to Salem, OH won’t stop him from taking lessons with his favorite teacher. Virtual lessons haven’t held back Austin’s learning, as he has been accepted into his school’s jazz band as the only electric guitar player. Watch his interview video.

Austin’s main instrument is electric guitar, but he is also proficient on drums, electric bass, piano, woodwinds, tuba, trumpet, and trombone. Austin plays in his school’s school band on the Tuba, electric guitar in jazz band, and drums in the Slipknot cover band, Sick, he and his friends are starting.
His tastes have changed since he started taking lessons, but learning beginner songs have helped Austin ramp up his passion for music. His advice to beginning guitar students is,
“Please do not go for speed first…[learn] technique and really [learn] how you can use that technique to go into solos…”
Even with natural talent, Austin has to put in a lot of hard work to know this much. He said memorizing chord names has been his biggest challenge. As a Rock School Alum, Austin says he learned teamwork and stage presence. He says Rock School prepared him well to start improving in the jazz band.
Want to know more about lessons at Music Royale? Give us a call or send us a message. Read our teacher bios here.
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